Monday, October 31, 2005

annotated bib.

English 1A, Sosa
Annotated bibliography instructions

Sommers, Christina Hoff. “Save The Males.” Rereading America. Ed. Gary Colombo, Robert Cullen, and Bonnie Lisle. New York: Bedford/St. Martin’s, 2004. 524-538.

(see hardcopy of the assignment for exact MLA format.) After your citation, you will examine the article. Start by including a brief summary of the entire piece, and then focus on how the article relates to your research paper. The intention of the annotated bib is to provide a quick reference so you do not have to reread the entire article. Your summary should be written using complete sentences and be at least one paragraph in length. After that, you may write additional paragraphs, create bullet points or use whatever format you find most helpful for creating a usable reference for the article. Do annotated bibs for two of your research paper sources.
Due: 11/2
Use either a writing handbook or one of the following websites for proper MLA format.

Monday, October 17, 2005

Short assignment #4

Due October 26

Select ONE of the following questions. Write at least one page (typed, double-spaced) and make sure to proofread. Identify which question you are answering at the top of the page.

1. Why do the Lakewood boys complain that "girls have all the power"? What does this statement mean? How realistic or unrealistic does this statement seem to you and why?

2. In what way does Faludi suggest that the Lakewood boys have been cheated or "betrayed"? How does her understanding of their betrayal differ from their own? Based on both of these perspectives, who or what is responsible for their problems?

3. How do the dreams of fame and wealth that the Lakewood boys have differ from those of Ragged Dick (p. 297)? Are the Lakewood boys believers in the American Dream? Why or why not?

Monday, October 10, 2005

Essay #2

Critique one of the articles we've discussed in Rereading America, focusing on the following question: to what level of certainty does the author prove his/her thesis? Look at whether the main arguments are well supported as well as whether evidence is omitted, and consider the context of the article as well as the author's frame of reference.
Make sure you identify the author’s thesis BEFORE you begin writing your paper that asserts whether or not you think the author has done a fair job proving the thesis statement.

For this assignment, you need to include a copy of an outline you created in preparation for writing your essay. The final essay must be a minimum of three pages.

Make sure you:
- develop a clear thesis statement
- keep your essay focused on your topic
- be specific and avoid generalizations
- logically organize your claims
- include transition sentences
- include evidence (quotes) from the article
- avoid repetition and vague terms

Draft Workshop on October 31st. Bring three copies of your draft and the first page for me to review (optional).

Final Essay due November 2nd. NO LATE PAPERS WILL BE ACCEPTED!

short assignment #3

Response to "Two Ways a Woman Can Get Hurt"

Analyze the following statements Jean Lilbourn makes in her article "Two Ways a Woman Can Get Hurt." Start by assessing the validity of her claims. What kind of appeals does Kilbourne makes in these two statements? How effective are the appeals? How valid is the claim itself? Does Kilbourne employ any logical fallacies in her statements? Does she provide ample evidence to persuade you, the reader, to agree with her claims? What kind of evidence does she use to prove her point? Address each quote with complete sentences. Your response to each quote should be 3/4 of a page to a full page, for a total of 1 ½ page to 2 pages.

1. “... it is never a good thing for human beings to be objectified. However, there is a world of difference between objectification of women and the objectification of men. The most important difference is that there is no danger for most men, whereas objectified women are always at risk" (464).

2. "I contend that all girls growing up in this culture are sexually abused—abused by the pornographer images of female sexuality that surround them from birth, abused by all the violence against women and girls, and abused by the constant harassment and threat of violence" (473).

Due October 17th.

Sunday, October 02, 2005

Helpful MLA site