Friday, September 02, 2005

In class test on 9/7

You will be taking an in-class test on "The Seven-Lesson School Teacher" by John Taylor Gatto. Make sure to read the article at least once and bring a blue book. It will be helpful if you can reread the entire article again before the test or reread any sections you may have felt confusion about the first time around. Also, underline important parts, write little notes in the margins and try answering the questions at the end of the article so you feel familiar with Gatto's main points. The test will be short answer (about one paragraph per question). You should be able to identify the thesis of the article, make claims about the article (that you support with quotes from the article) and analysis specific quotes.

If you have any questions or concerns leading up to this test or about your upcoming essay, don't hesitate to email me.


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